Nine Tips for a Healthy Breastfeeding Diet

Breastfeeding is natural and it is good for your baby. Nature didn’t make it up for nothing, it is really valuable for your baby’s health. A healthy breastfeeding diet can even help your baby better. If you do the right things, eat the right foods your baby will grow better and faster, and even more important; healthy.

We are going to give you answers on questions we received through our contact form.

  • – Should I avoid certain foods while breastfeeding?
  • – Do I need to drink milk to produce milk?
  • – Can I drink alcohol or caffeine?

These are just a couple of questions new mothers that are starting to breastfeed struggle with. We try to give you tips for a healthy breastfeeding diet. This should clear up a lot of your questions about the right breastfeeding diet.

1. Milk supply is natural

You don’t need to eat or drink certain things to produce milk supply for your baby. It is a natural proces and every mother will produce milk for her baby.

2. Breastfeeding requires around 500 extra calories a day

If you give breastfeeding to your baby, you should take around 500 calories a day extra. A good way to do this is eat extra vegetables and fruits.

3. Drink enough water

Make sure you stay hydrated, but don’t drink too much, keep it in proportion. You can also boost your water intake by eating more vegetables, fruits, soups and juice.

4. Limit caffeine

Take it easy with coffee. You can still drink your cup of coffee in the morning, but limit it throughout the day. Also make sure you limit foods that contain caffeine like chocolate, sodas and teas.

5. Limit alcohol

Limiting alcohol not only counts if you are pregnant, but also after this. If you are breastfeeding than a healthy breastfeeding diet is very important. Don’t get back into your occasional glass of wine after your baby is born. If you are drinking, than don’t breastfeed if you still feel the effects of the alcohol you consumed, but wait if you are feeling clear again.

6. Get essential fatty acids

In the first year of your baby’s life, their brain will grow rapidly. Essential fatty acids help your baby’s brain grow strong and healthy. Essential fatty acids are found in seeds, nuts, leafy greens and fish like salmon and mackerel. Don’t eat too much fish though, you should limit it to a max of 2 servings per week. Try to avoid shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tile fish.

7. Don’t start a heavy weight-loss program right away

Wait with a weight-loss program for at least 6 weeks after giving birth to your baby. Of course you want to get back at your normal weight as soon as possible, but don’t rush it. If you start after 6 weeks, make sure you have a balanced nutrition intake. Breastfeeding actually helps to get back at your normal weight.

8. Take vitamins if your doctor recommends it

To get extra calcium some doctors might advice you to take extra vitamins. There is nothing wrong with that and it will only help you and your baby.

9. Get enough sleep

It is important to get enough sleep. This is considered a valuable breastfeeding diet tip. If you get enough sleep, you will have enough energy for your daily activities and will stick to the program better.

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